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Portrait of a photographer (avatar) Merphy Sergei (Sergei Merphy)

Merphy Sergei

— Resident 35PHOTO site
Merphy Sergei \ Теги \
& 218. Autumn Church Dolomites Gullfoss Iceland Kirkjufell Londrangar Norway Ranui Sn?fellsnes St.Johann Sunrise. abbaye and arctic arial aurora barbara. barents basalt beach beach. black blue ice boat bolders breidamerkursandur bridge budir church & northern lights burfell burning camargue camargue. cappella della madonna di vitale cave chiesa church. cime cinque classic cloud clouds cover crater cristina de dead detifoss diamond dji dolomite dolomites dolomites. dyrh?laey. dyrholaey. faskrudsfjordur. field fields fishermans' fishing florence frost frozen gardena gau glacier glacier. godafoss greece green gullfoss gullfoss. hamnoy hamnoy. haukland henningsvaer hill. horizon. horses horses. house hverfjall ice iceland iceland. icelandic in island islands italy jokulsarlon kalfshamarsviti kirkjufell kirkjufell. lagoon lake lake. landradar landscape lavender light light. lighthouse lighthouse. lights lights. lofoten lofotens lofotens. lomagnupur mountain lonely lower maddalena magn?sarfoss malarrif marmolada meganisi montepulciano morning mountains myvatn night norte-dame northern northern lights norway norway. of on ornithological pair panorama paraglider park photographer pier plane pont ponte provence provence. rainbow reflection and vestrahorn. icela reine reinisdrangar reynisdrangar reynisdrangar. reynisfjara. river. road rocks sand santa sass sea seashore seceda selfoss seljalandsfoss senanque. send serbia. silence. silent skaftafell national park skagen skogarfoss small soft steam stokksnes stria. strong wind on reynisdrangar sun sunflowers sunlight. sunrise sunrise. sunset surfer. svartifoss svartioss svinafell glacier teriberka terre the tre tree tree. tuscany tuscany. tyrol utakleiv uvac val valley vecchio vesrtahorn vestrahorn vestrahorn. view. water waterfall waterfall. waterfalls weather wracks норвегия
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