The river hippopotamus is the 3rd heaviest land mammal (after the elephant and white rhino). It has a bulky, barrel shaped body and a massive head with an enormous broad muzzle up to 50 cm wide. The neck is short and thick, with heavy folds of skin. Their skin is very thick, up to 3 inches in most places! The eyes are protruding and the small movable ears are set high up and far back on the head. The nose is slit-like. It has stout, but disproportionately short legs with four partially webbed toes on each foot. The pseudo claws are well-developed.
Length of head & body: 150 - 270 cm
Height at shoulders: 137 - 152 cm
Weight: Females are between 2800-3200 lbs (1273-1455kg), males generally between 3500-8000lbs (1590-3636kg)
Length of tail: 35 - 50 cm
uploaded 14 сен, 2024 Copyright by Ali Pashang
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