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eternal sensitivity

genève michel

“Woman of eternal sensibilities, with your ordeal you give hope, with your sensuality you feed life, with your wear you promote virtue, with your beauty you flood all the oceans and all the continents. Imperfect woman who, with your perfect dreams, brings us closer and closer to paradise.”

Mujer de sensibilidades eternas, que con tu calvario regalas esperanza, con tu sensualidad alimentas vida, con tu desgaste promueves la virtud, con tu  belleza inundas todos los océanos y todos los continentes. Mujer imperfecta que con tus sueños perfectos nos acercas cada vez más al paraíso.

Text: Adapted fragment of the poem, “¿mujer imperfecta?”, (Iván Alatorre  Orozco, 2012).
Photo: eternal sensitivity.
Model: Delaia González Mulero.
Photographer: Michel Genève.
Place: Madrid. España.
Photo date: October 2024
uploaded 02 фев, 2025   Copyright by genève michel




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