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trapped in my darkness

genève michel

"I am locked in my own memories, in a memory full of garbage from the past, tormented and wounded by the passage of time, captive of my own ghosts and monsters. Trapped in my darkness, with a cold soul, I hear the cry of a girl, who wants to escape."

Estoy encerrada en mis propios recuerdos, en una memoria repleta de basura del pasado, atormentada y herida por el paso del tiempo, cautiva de mis propios fantasmas y monstruos. Atrapada en mi oscuridad, con el alma gélida, escucho el llanto de una niña, que quiere escapar.

Published: Blog: Mundo poesía: “Atrapada”., (Doberman Slave, 2015)
Photo: trapped in my darkness
Model: Kramen
Photographer: Michel Genève
Place: Granada, Spain.
Photo date: March 2024
uploaded 04 фев, 2025   Copyright by genève michel




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