, Бистра Стоименова

Water World

Бистра Стоименова

About the place:
Varovitets is located right behind Etropolski monastery. Just go to the monastery, go through the back door andyou'll end up on the path that leads to the waterfall.

The story behind the shot:
For once I make myself go to Varovitets and it's raining cats and dogs. The Trail was all muddy, it was wet and foggy... yuck. But I was determined that this time I'll take a picture of the place. The trees are that nice shade of green, the waterfall is beautiful. Would have been wonderful if it wasn't raining like this. Despite everything I get the tripod out and start shooting. But not for long since a whole group of tourists shows up and they begin to bathe under the waterfall. I mean literally.

I growl and hide under rocks with the tripod and I can't wait for them to get out of my sight. But by the time they do it starts to rain even more (and thought I couldn't possibly get any worse). But still I remain to shoot it. It was well-worth getting soaked.

This is possible to walk under the waterfall, but the rocks there are very slippery, so you must be careful. There's a path which leads to the base of the waterfall, but I didn't have time for it and it was raining too much.

Varovitets is a big and popular waterfall. So you'll need, ideally, a weekday (to have no tourists around) and a wide-angle lens (because there isn't much room for manoeuvres and the waterfall is big). However, it is almost certain that you will share the space with other fellow photographers.
uploaded 29 май, 2017   Copyright by Бистра Стоименова




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