A spread myth is that witch-hunts were at the Middle Ages, taking into consideration the fact that it was quite possible in the history of Europe to have a court wizard.
Renaissance (born for the first time, as it is not surprising in Italy) - this is the real time when everyone was hit by the blow. And no, not the Inquisition - it was fighting just with the heretics. And there was a clear conception that divided wizardry, an arrangement with a devil and other complex astrological magical pieces and the direction of herbalists, crazy dances, etc. In Spain, in the 15-15th centuries, they managed to justify witches in court trials.
⏰But the situation changed with time (and time was not at all peaceful). Leaders in the amount of burned witches were England, France and Germany. A whole village could be burned in a day.
Whom did they burn? Yes, all in a row: students, professors, priests. Torture was diverse and legalized by the 16th century. Burn more girls? - Ah, why to concentrate more on ones?
uploaded 02 авг, 2018 Copyright by Lviatina
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