Citation [Russian]:
«Там где любовь, слова не нужны...» /Александр Хашимов/
Music: «Nikonn - Sunday»
Time: 19:23
Date: August, 12th 2011
Location: Russia/Jantarnoe
Model: Rymarchuk Alexander and Tatiana
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II (DIGITAL SPIRIT)
Lens: Canon EF 16-35 mm f/2.8L II USM
ISO: 400
Aperture: 11
Focal length: 16 mm
Shutter Speed: 1/166 seconds
Head: -
Tripod: -
Focusing Screen: Canon EG-D
Photo Bag: LowePro Rezo 160 AW
Memory Card: 16Gb Sandisk Extreme CompactFlash 60Mb/s
• Kenko 82 mm MC Protector
• Cokin Z Holder Filter (BZ100)
• Singh-Ray Galen Rowell Graduated Neutral Density Filter (ND-3G-HS)
uploaded 14 апр, 2012 Copyright by Zaporozhenko Vitaly & Julia
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