English Name - Cinereous Vulture, Egyptian Vultures, Griffon Vultures and House Crow;
Conservation status - ENDANGERED;
[Nikon D500+300 2.8];
Location - Bikaner, Rajasthan;
Shot Taken on - Dec, 17;
Brief Description - A team of scavengers were cleaning up animal carcasses at Jorbeer carcass dump comprising of the worlds largest vulture - the Cinereous vulture, the world's smallest vultures - the Egyptian vultures, a flock of Eurasian Griffons and last but not the least, our friendly neighborhood house crows, thus keeping us all disease free against rotting carcasses of deceased animals, most of which are domestic/farm animals. #HeroesWearCapes
Image Taken - We were documenting different vultures at Jorbeer, enjoying their meal, when a pack of feral dogs charged at the vultures causing them to take off simultaneously.
uploaded 28 ноя, 2020 Copyright by Arpan Saha
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