Vipul Saxena

is the world's tallest flying bird. This crane, when standing, is as tall as a man. These elegant birds are predominantly grey, with long, pale red legs. Their naked head is red, as is their neck. Juveniles have buff feathers on their head and slightly darker plumage

Sarus cranes are regarded as the least social crane species. Especially when nesting, they can be very protective and are aggressive towards intruders. They can, therefore, be considered a territorial species. Breeding pairs remain close by areas that have ample water supply. Pairs that are non-breeding flock together in bigger wetland areas. Although breeding pairs are territorial, Sarus cranes form bigger flocks in the non-breeding season. The size of a flock usually depends on the wetland area. Within flocks, the cranes feed and roost. Sarus cranes are active during the day and sleep at night. They are known for dancing to attract mates. Characteristic loud trumpeting sounds may accompany these dances.
Sarus cranes are omnivorous and eat a wide range of food, such as aquatic plants like sedge tubers, seeds, rice, and other grains, crustaceans, snails, large insects such as grasshoppers, amphibians, reptiles, small vertebrates and fish.

Sarus cranes are monogamous birds and pairs mate for life, however, "divorce" cases and mate replacement take place.
uploaded 28 мар, 2021   Copyright by Vipul Saxena




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