10-18 March, professional voting of residents 35PHOTO   To contribute
, Dasha Art
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Suprematism photography

Dasha Art

Фотограф DASHA в этом году представила Республику Беларусь в арт зоне на Всемирной Выставке Экспо Дубаи 2020.
Выставку можно увидеть в Национальном Павильоне Беларуси в Дубаи.
Фотография №1 с выставки

In 1920 Kazimir Malevich formed an avant-garde art group UNOVIS, whose activity became a whole phase in the history of the world avant-garde. One of the branches of UNOVIS's artwork is suprematism, which is a combination of colored simple geometric figures and three-dimensional shapes placed on a plane.
uploaded 19 окт, 2021   Copyright by Dasha Art




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