22-31 March, last stage voting (short list)   To contribute
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Portrait of a photographer (avatar) Svetlana Povarova Ree

Svetlana Povarova Ree

— Resident 35PHOTO site
Svetlana Povarova Ree \ Теги \
Abstraction Africa Amadina Angkor Wat Animals Animas Arctic Argentina Arizona Asia Atacama Atelier des Lumi?res Atlantic Atlantic Ocean Atlantic sea August Aurora Borealis Autumn Baikal Bear Belarus Bird Birds Black & White Black & white Black and White Blomming Sally Blue Braies lake Bryce Canyon Calatrava California Cambodia Canada Candles Canyon Canyon Bryce Caribbean coast Che Guevara Chile Christmas Christmas tree City of arts and sciences City/Architecture Coast Cold Colorful Colors Costa Rica Cuba Death Valley Desert Diamond Beach Disko Bay Dolomites Fall Fanal Forest Fanal forest Faroe Islands Faroe island Female portrait Fjord Flowers Fog France Frost Geometry Gepard Glacier Lagoon Greenland Grizzly Gzhel Happy New Year Heather Helgeland Hemisf?rico Himalaya Holidays Ice Iceberg Icefjord Iceland Iceland horses Icelandic horses India Innerdalst?rnet Isfjorden Italy J?kuls?rl?n Japan Japan bridge Japanese thimbleweed Jay Kenya Khuzhir Kirkjufellsfoss Kyoto L'Hemisf?ric Lake Lake Baikal Landscape Landscapes Leaves Light Lion Lofoten Lofoten Island Macro Madagascar Madeira Maiko Male portrait Masai Mara Minimalism Mist Mood Mood portrait Morning Morning Glory Moskenes Mountain Mountains National Park Natural Bridge Nature Night Northern Lights Northern lights Norway Olkhon Paris Park Patagonia Peony Poppy People Pico Arieiro Pink Poinsettia Ponta de S?o Louren?o Pool Portrait Portugal Pulsatilla patens Rainbow Reflection Reine Reykjavik Rigi National Park River Road Rocks Rocks formation Rondane Russia Santiago Calatrava SantiagoCalatrava Scilla siberica Sea Seceda Senja Island September Shadow Siberia Siberian squill Silhouette Skogafoss Snow Snowberries South Tyrol Spain Spitsbergen Spring Sri Lanka Steller Still life Stone Straw Street/Reportage Summer Sunset Svalbard Sweden Switzerland Tangerines Tent The Twist gallery Torres del Paine Travel Tre Cime Tree Trees Trollstigen Trondheim Trondheimsfjorden Tuscany USA University Utah Valencia Vatnaj?kull National Park White Pocket Wild Life Wildlife Winter Woman Wyoming Yellowstone Zabriskie point Zoo Zurich a winter hat abstraction action akita amaryllis anemone animals apple apples arch architecture arctic arctic fox art august autumn baikal baikal sea ballet bangs baobab barberry basket bear beautiful beautiful animals bellflowers bench berries bicycle bie big cat birch bird birds black & white black and white black&white blue blue hour blue tit blue-water lily boat bokeh bridge brown bear building bullfinch buryat butterfly calls campanula canada candle celebration ceramics chair chameleon cherries cherry cherry dark chestnuts children chokeberry chrysanthemum chrysanthemums city city & architecture city and architecture city&architecture city/architecture cityscape clock close up closeup clouds coast cobweb cold colorful colors coltsfoot common crow common curlew concrete contrast conversation crested hawk-eagle cubs currant cute cutler anemone daffodils dahlia daily life daisies dandelion day decorations defender design details dog dogs dorado dramatic dress drops dusty elegant elephant eurasian oystercatcher evening expression eyes face fall family fauna feelings female field fields fish fishing boat fishing house fjord flamingo flight flora floral flow flower flowers fly fog foggy food forest fox friend friendship from above frost frozen fruit fruits funny fuzz garden gaucho geometric geometry girl girls glacier glass glass window golden rain golden sparrow golden-bellied flycatcher gorilla grapes grass great sallow green green eyes grey grey langur hard life harmoni harvest hat helios heron high history holiday honeycreeper hops horse horses hour house houses ice ice cave ice caves iceberg icicles insekt interior island islands joy jug juice kettle kiss kitchen ladybug lake lamp lamp post landcapes landscape landscapes leaf leaves lemon lenticular clouds library life light lighthouse lilac lily of the valley lines lion lions lizard lonely long exposure look lynx macro magic male man mannequin marigold masai mara matterhorn memories metal minimalism mist modern modern architecture moderne moderne architecture monk monkey mood mood portrait morning mother and baby motmot mountain mountains mulafossur museum music national park nature night nightlight no war northern lapwing norway notes nuts ocean oil oil lamp old old age old house old time onion orange oval pansies paragliding past pattern peace peaches pear pears people performance persimmon person perspective piano pier pine pine grosbeak pink plant plants plums polar pomegranate pomegranate fruit pooh poppies poppy porcelain portrait protea puffin pulsatilla patens pumpkin purple pussy willow quince r?ssvatnet rain rays red red hair reflection reindeer reptiles river road robin romance roses rowan russia s jay safari science sea seagull seascape see seed serges shadow shamanism shawl sheep shell shepherd shiba shop show silhouette silk situation ski sky skyscrapers sloth smell smile snow snow storm snowberry snowfall snowman solitude song spiral spitsbergen spoon sport spring staircase stairs star stars still life stone stones storm story strait straw street summer summer dress sun sun light sunflower sunflowers sunlight sunrise sunset svalbard swan sweet cherry switzerland table talk tangerine tangerines the rocks three toys tradition transportation travel tree tree silhouette trees tress trondheim tulip tulips tunnel turquoise urban vancouver vase vegetables viburnum view village vulture walk walnuts war veteran washing water water drops waterfall waterfall Skogafoss watering hole watermelon wave waves weather weaver wharves white wild animals wild life wildflowers wildlife willow willow grouse wind winding road window windows wings winter wolf woman women work yellow young young woman Апрель Африка Бобовник анагировидный Высоцкий Гжель Дикий животные Животные Иван-чай Исландия Кения Коста Рика Львы Мадейра Масай Мара Натюрморт Норвегия Осень Понта де Сан Лоуренсо Птицы Пустыня Атакама Рейкьявик Сирень Сон-трава Украина Цветы Чили анемона японская белая куропатка вереск ветреница вишня гепард горы дождь животные животные слоны Африка Кения жёлтое закат золотой дождь калина колокольчики купена ландыш ленивец лето львы медведь мир нарциссы натюрморт нет войне ноты осень параплан пейзаж первоцвет пролеска сибирская портрет птицы рассвет розы рябина сeramics сhest сold сottongrass собаки стихи туман тупик хмель цветы черноплодная рябина ягоды
The catalog contains more than 1500 photos from 25 nominations from more than 1000 authors of the 9th 35AWARDS

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